Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the big move

Oh Texas! We are moving to the lone-star state! Good golly do we need a passport to go down there? jokes! I am really excited to move! For those of you that don't know yet Treavor got a promotion, hes going to be the ware-house manger in the Texas warehouse. So off we go!! It would be crazy! I will be starting a dental assiting program at the middle of June and i'll be done at the end of August! So i'm super excited about that! and we got a new truck!! yay. our lives are very exciting right now. I will post pictures when we get the truck we are getting it tomorrow(thursday) Treav is all excited to get his new toy but i really like it too! its way fun to drive! We are going to be SUPER far away from family... well mine we will be about the same distance from treavs. but it will be good! and we are FINALLY getting our puppy!!! im so excited!! hopefullly it will help the baby want. AHH Texas just seems so crazy to me but it will be great... i'll probably loose like 10 pounds from sweating but hey its worth it! Our apartment is AMAZING. Its right across the street from where the dallas cowboys practice so i guess that means its a nice neighborhood? i dont know it sure is pretty though! and i was happy to hear that there are 7 targets in 20 mins distance and an IKEA! woot. which means i get a new couch.. awwe life is bliss.