Monday, October 22, 2007


heres the little re-cap on this wifey's lifey.
This weekend we spent all of sat help jared and natile(brother-in-law & sister-in-law) on their house. I know, if your going to help out then dont complain, but im sorry not alot was accomplished and not only that i barely got to see my husband on his day off.. but i guess it was good, he helped his britger up in a window and try and figure out the problems with the water pipes while natlie and myself played Dr. Mario(a family favortie) for like 6 hours. I now am the ultimate champion at Dr. Mario! thank-you i know a great feet! And then on sunday i was still feeling sick from this stupid cold i got that we slept in, made breakfast, went to church and then we were lazy for the rest of the day. Doing things like watching 24.. playing more dr. mario and making yummy dinner with ice cream and strawberries on the side... ahh the life!
Today, which is monday i went to school, aka work, and figure out that i was VERY sick so i came home. sad cuz we need the money..but good cuz i dont want to get the little kiddies sick. now i will spend the intire day alone cuz hubby is at work instead of just spending half the day alone.. i dont like being alone.. it gets me sad.. and makes me want a baby! haha but instead we are getting a dog. I know i have said this before but its true! the girl that we were going to get the dog from before.. well her dog is prego again SO we are going at thanksgiving and pciking out which puppy we want and when they are old enough...around christmas...we will have our little friend!! yay!! a puppy! im so so so excited. if its a girl it will be Lulu and if its a boy...Chanco..or Baxter..its not decieded on. but we are excited to have a new little addition to the family!
Now onto thanksgiving.. theres alot to talk about today! We are going to Denver for thanksgiving with jared and nat. im really excited! im making a cute window frame with pics and a cute saying for my mother-in-law for Christmas but giving it to her at thanksgiving cuz i want to see if she really likes it!! i hope it turns out good. we are going to meet up with some of treav's old friends and of coarse see our puppy and eat alot of good food.. but the best is that we are going to be with family! thats my favorite! i love my family! and im trying to ge to know treavors too! being around family is the best part about holidays.
well thats my life lately.. its been great and im loving being married and all that joys and blessing that come with it!!!